Letter From The Artist

To create a memorial, I require a small amount (about a teaspoon) of your loved one's ashes. Using a torch, I melt the chosen colors of glass to a molten form and gently encase the ashes while crafting the design you select. Once the piece is perfected, it is placed in a kiln to anneal and cool slowly, ensuring its strength and durability. Any unused ashes will be returned to you or, if requested, scattered in nature. I handle all ashes with the utmost respect and care.

I am proud to have worked with customers across Canada and internationally. If you are located outside Canada, I am available for phone consultations. Please email info@phoenixashmemorials.ca to set up a time. When you work with Phoenix Ash Memorials, you will always speak directly with me, your artist, Brandon Vukelic.

I only ever work on one order at a time and focus 100% of my attention and energy on your memorial. I am the only one who will handle your loved ones ashes and I take this responsibility and privilege very seriously.

In our initial communication, we will discuss your preferred design and how it can be tailored to honor your loved one. If you are comfortable, please share stories and photos via text or email. I will also guide you through the secure shipping process.

Together, we can create a meaningful and unique memorial. I would love to be your artist!

Brandon Vukelic


  1. Purchase and Ash Collection Kit

    • Select and purchase your Phoenix Ash Memorial from our online store. An ash collection kit with instructions will be mailed to you.

    • If you are sending multiple sets of ashes, please notify me to include the appropriate number of bags, and label them clearly.

  2. Customization Form

    • Fill out the customization form when adding a memorial to your cart. This form includes questions about your design choices and contact information.

    • For multiple designs, contact information needs to be filled out only once. I will follow up with an email to discuss how to send the ashes.

  3. Confirmation and Creation

    • Once I receive the ashes, I will contact you to confirm their safe arrival and begin creating your piece.

    • Delivery time is 2-4 weeks from the date I receive both the ashes and payment.

Collecting Ashes

Opening an urn or box to retrieve your loved one's ashes can be an incredibly challenging task. We hope the following information provides you with the courage to collect the ashes.

If you find this process too difficult, consider asking a friend, neighbor, or co-worker for help. Many people understand the significance of this task and are willing to assist. Alternatively, you can bring your urn or box to a local funeral home and request their assistance. Remember, you are surrounded by people who are ready to help; you just need to ask.

Ashes can vary in color from pure white to cream to various shades of grey, and they may include fine soft ash as well as larger pieces with occasional flecks of bright teal and coral. Regardless of their initial color, all ashes turn pure white when encased in molten glass.